I've been running for 15 years now. It's been the cornerstone of a transformation. We all know there are many benefits of running, but think more deeply and the connections really start to flow. You'll find many more, as I have done and continue to do every day.
Believe me... I could have kept going way past 100 but as all Ultra runners know, you have to stop somewhere.
If you are looking for a surefire way to improve the way you show up at work and in life, it's as simple as putting one foot in front of the other.
Enjoy! x
Increased Life Expectancy: Through increased Vo2 Max
Opened Awareness to Human Potential: Worked through imagined limits
Understood the Chimp: Learnt to settle and control reactive behaviour
Found More Humility: For my own shortcomings and those of others
Empowered Others: Past on learnings and supported others to achieve goals
Better able to Manage Stress: As fitness levels higher
Understanding Data: Interpreting biometric data for health insights
Faster Recovery: Can put in more effort and recovery faster than ever
Gained Knowledge: 1000’s of hours of podcasts and audiobooks
Understanding of the Breathe: Lead to knowledge and benefits of breathwork
Better Bucket list: More possibilities of what’s possible to do in one lifetime
Being a Good Dad: Leading by example by putting health first
No More Booze: Took a while to get here, but now tea total and happier than ever
Improved Cardiovascular Health: Strengthened heart and increased lung capacity.
Enhanced Physical Endurance: Increased stamina and get more done
Weight Management: And occasional guilt-free eats
Improved Strength: As I age :-(
Greater Flexibility/ Range Of Motion: Due to recovery stretching protocols
Boosted Metabolism: Better digestion and energy efficiency.
Reduced Stress: Decreased stress and anxiety levels
Improved Mood: All the time :-)
Stronger Immune System: Touch wood… hardly even ill
Better Sleep Quality: Deeper, more restful sleep recovery and efficiency
Higher Energy Levels: Greater and prolonged energy throughout the day
Improved Mental Health: Efforts lead to higher baseline dopamine
Enhanced Creativity: Stimulates creativity.
Greater Confidence: Improved self-esteem.
Continual Sense of Achievement: Felt accomplished after runs and races
Better Focus: Improved concentration
Greater Clarity: Cognitively clear
Increased Discipline: Better time management.
Higher Productivity: Increased work efficiency
Reduced Risk Profile For Chronic & Autoimmune Diseases:
Healthier Cholesterol Levels: Maintained good cholesterol balance in testing
Stronger Bones: Increased bone density as aging :-(
Better Digestive Health: By dialling into nutrition to aid running performance
Improved Posture: Better posture and reducing deleterious effects of sitting
Healthier Lifestyle: Adoption of other many other coexistent healthy habits
Enhanced Social Life: Expanded social circle radically
Provides Breaks from Routine: Mental break from daily life aids performance
Improved Patience: Learned patience and perseverance, especially for loved ones
Improved Goal Setting Capabilities: Developed systems applicable at work
Increased Resilience: Better at overcoming challenges in all aspects of life
Better Balance and Coordination: Improved coordination as I get old :-(
Reconnected to Nature: Far too many tangible and intangible benefits to mention
Reduced Healthcare Costs: Saved a fortune on medical!
Better Work-Life Balance: Making health a priority leads to higher contentment
Increased Motivation: More overall motivation to expand felt generally
Controlled Cravings: Managed cravings better through dialled in focus on nutrition
Personal Time: Valuable time for reflection and introspection
Reduced Risk of Injury: Rarely get injured
Capacity for Learning: Cognition improved supporting learning and memory.
Improved Athletic Performance Generally: Better performance in other sports
Natural High: Experienced natural euphoric runners highs daily
Improved Mental Endurance: Better at pushing through mental barriers
Healthier Eating: Better dietary choices, through deeper awareness
Increased Alertness: Much more alert and attentive at work and at home
Better Body Composition: Look less like an old man
Mindfulness: Use as a form of moving meditation practice
Self-Discipline: Strengthened self-discipline immensely
Better Work Performance: Better version of self gets more and better work done
Natural Detox: Expelling toxins through sweating.
Dialled in Hydration: Far more conscious
Electrolyte Balance: More dialled improving clarity and maintaining energy
Overall Well-being: General high sense of well-being.
Better Decision-Making: Faster and clearer decision-making abilities.
Family Bonding: Enables a healthy shared experience together
Keeps Friendships Strong: Shared experience maintaining deeper connections
Improved Adaptability: Better at adapting to challenges.
Reduced Stroke Risk Profile: Lower risk of stroke as in family
Appetite Control: Helps regulate appetite hormones.
Reduced Back Pain: Stronger core muscles.
Reduced Anxiety: Managed anxiety.
Supporting Charity Causes: Fundraised and supported charitable organisations
Boosted Nutrient Absorption: Better nutrient delivery to cells for energy
Improved Reaction Time: Better reflexes.
Saved Money: Low cost compared to most other sporting endeavours
Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Helps regulate blood sugar levels
Environmental Awareness: A greater appreciation for the environment.
Routine and Structure: Established daily structure
Increased Awareness of Sustainable Living: Eco-friendly activity and community
Lifelong Learning: Lead to continual learning of all aspects of health and fitness.
Better Relationships Generally: Improved relationship-building
Community Engagement: Fostered and took part in community building
Role Model Opportunities: Hopefully inspired others to be healthy
Improved Empathy: Enhanced empathy for all people
Cultural Appreciation: Exposure to new cultures through global runs/ races
Addiction Recovery Support: Fundamental in recovery
Enhanced Technical Skills: Improved skills in planning, tracking and navigation
Environmental Stewardship: Maintained clean running spaces in my community
Sense of Adventure: Discovered so many new places
Understanding Psychology: Developed a deep interest in the way the mind works
Broke Down Barriers: Went beyond my comfort zone multiple times
Completed Epic Trails: Experienced some of the great pilgrimages
Have Better Stories: Many mind-blowing things happen in the running community
Other Recovery Protocols: Proactive recovery strategies such as sauna and ice bath
Weather Acclimatisation: Happy to be out in any conditions
Great Packer: Dialled into a thorough preparatory checklist
Kinder: More considerate to others as a reflection of the kindness offered me
Spiritual: Running helped find a channel to something far more profound
